Too many Christians today walk around buffeted by uncontrollable impulses, drowning in guilt and totally defeated. They pray, commit, surrender, read the Word, say all the right words, and still can't seem to live a victorious life. If that sounds familiar, then you might find some answers here.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Are You an Overcomer?

Rev 12:11 And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony. And they did not love their soul until death.

In this verse it clearly says that there will be those who overcome, are triumphant, over the persecution and wickedness of the Anti-Christ and his hoards. It is very clear that it is by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ and the work of the cross) and the Word. And...they weren't so afraid of death that they were willing to sell out.

If you are living in the US and are a Christian, you are probably not facing any outward persecution. Notice I said "outward" as in overt, organized, governmentally authorized, lose-your-head type of persecution. However, I can guarantee that if you are indeed living for the Lord, that you are under attack.

Having said that, I'll go on to say that I believe the Word teaches Believers that we are to be warriors, not against flesh and blood, but against the hoards of hell. If we don't learn now how to wield our Sword and how to appropriate all that the Blood of Jesus purchased for us then how can we expect to be victorious when we face real trouble?

We can't. In an effort to help you learn to fight for your life and the life of your loved ones, I'm going to share with you what I've learned from the Word about spiritual warfare, deliverance, living in victory and taking back what the Enemy has stolen.

Stick around.

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